
Cleveland High School is proud to announce that junior Luke Felty has achieved a perfect score of 36 on the ACT, placing him among the top percentile of students nationwide.
Born in Florida, Luke's journey to academic success has been marked by determination and hard work. At the age of 8, his family embarked on a two-year journey across the United States, before settling in Cleveland where Luke joined the school district in the 4th grade. He attended Mayfield Elementary, Ross Elementary, and Cleveland Middle School before starting his high school journey at Cleveland High School in 2021.

Throughout his high school career, Luke has been actively involved in extracurricular activities, notably as a member of the robotics team, which he joined during his sophomore year. He finds fulfillment in the community aspect of robotics and looks forward to attending competitions each year.

Looking towards the future, he plans to study computer science in college, drawn to the field by his love for problem-solving.

Reflecting on his success, Luke acknowledges the guidance and support of his teachers, particularly Mr. Self, who has been one of his most influential educators. Luke has taken pre-calculus and statistics with Mr. Self.

When asked about his preparation for the ACT, Luke emphasizes the importance of practice exams. "Take the Practice Exams," Luke advises, "Make sure you understand what you did wrong." Leading up to his achievement of a perfect score, Luke completed approximately 10 full practice exams, diligently identifying areas for improvement and refining his test-taking strategies.

Principal Bob Pritchard expresses his admiration for Luke's accomplishment, stating, "Luke's dedication to his studies and his exemplary performance on the ACT are truly commendable. He is a shining example of the academic excellence that Cleveland High School strives to instill in all of its students."

Luke's outstanding achievement serves as an inspiration to his peers and the entire Cleveland High School community! 

Congratulations, Luke!